Wednesday 30 August 2017

Oh William, how foolish you are. Stop stealing other people's ideas!

Gore and scares you rotten ass fucks! Welcome to yet another tearing down of the one they call William Pattison (even though the majority of people know him as that guy who claims to have written those shitty Camp Crystal Lake novels and smells like dead raccoon and Obsession by Calvin Klein).

William, in his infinite wisdom actually dedicated an awakening in horror podcast to our lord and master Eric Hyde. William also admitted to 'stealing' (yes, he used that very word himself) the 'idea' for his story Robert Diablo from The Soska Sisters' treatment called 'Bob'. Amazingly, as you will see below, William claims that treatments and ideas cannot be copyrighted. Which calls into question the whole Jason Voorhees debacle, as Victor Miller only came up with the idea of Jason, yet is taking the makers of Friday the 13th to court because he came up with the idea of Jason Voorhees.

Even more hilarious, a quick google search explicity states that treatments AND ideas can indeed be copyrighted. Click HERE to be directed to the Google page which explains as such. So, Mr Pattison, and I know you're reading this, you are WRONG you turd sucking rotten sub-fucking mountain of pestilence. To be able to NOT be seen as a laughing stock, you really need to have a base for your claims. Yet still, after over two years of the Horror Socials working to show your lies (and succeeding so much you have dedicated an awful lot of time to us, although I doubt you'd admit that, but we know. We know how you sit infront of your computer crying into empty Subway wrappers, rocking back and forth, screaming, banging your head against your desk, festering in your wife-beater in between bouts of armpit licking and fingering your festering asscrack and eating what you pull out of there on your finger).

Even if that were the case though, and William could use the idea of Bob, he admites 'stealing' the idea. In his own words, in his book and his podcast, he uses the words 'I stole the idea from a treatment by Jen and Sylvia Soska', therefore displaying Williams complete inability to come up with anything original by himself. He steals' other peoples ideas becase he is so devoid of them (yet he can make up fantasy situations that would fit right into place in a Lifetime movie). His perception of fantasy and reality obviously blends into one. So much so that he claims his jeep is Kathleen Wilhoite. Obvioulsy he's ripping off Transformers there, but again, William won't admit it.

Yes William. You admit to stealing the idea. You stole it. The only thing you have in common with Jason Voorhees is that he 'Hacks' at his victims, and you are a Hack. A lying s(h)ack of shit that has run out of places to run.

In his latest podcast (which funnily enough got removed from YouTube for Bullying and Harassment) he takes some not so clever digs at Eric Hyde, and even goes as far as to threaten Erics child, telling Eric that his child would be homeless.

First of all, with all the name-calling William does in this podcast (yes William, we managed to dowload it before we got it removed hahahahahaha) he has virtually zero chance of using it to take Eric to court. In fact, with all of the hatred and bile he has spewed against everyone in his time as an internet troll, he wouldn't last an hour in court. The fact he keeps naming names and goes as far as to threaten their family? That's harassment right there. The fact he gets so angry he can hardly breathe? That just means he needs to exercise more. But enough of that.

The fact is William, you can continue on your way, and we will continue with ours. We are not breaking any laws. Linkville stopped publishing your books because you STOLE (in your own fucking words) Jen and Sylvia's idea for Bob (and yes, it was a script, not a treatment, and yes, we have got proof it is copyrighted, but we know that seeing as Linkville removed you from their company, no action was taken against you). So if you want to talk shit sir, feel free to do so, because we can shoot down every lie you put out there.

When you're done screaming at the screen and cryingafter reading this, wipe your tears away, pull the keys you keep on that keychain out of your ass, brush yourself off and get ready, because theres much more coming from us.

So, as I sign off, I will finally reveal who I am. My name is Peter. Peter Nesshead. I'm from Scotland, and I was harassed by William Pattison after asking where I could buy the Camp Crystal Lake novels (they were cheaper than coal up here, and with it getting so cold, we needed the fuel).

So, as always, keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subways! Mine's a 6" (I'm dieting right now, something else I can rub in William's face).

Thursday 8 June 2017

Tell us Lies, tell us sweet little lies (before you eat them because they are sweet and little).

Well well well Howlers, it seems my mentor, William Pattison has gone into overdrive with his lies lately. William posted on his new social media hangout (because his lies haven't been exposed widely on there yet) 'Minds' that he was attacked in the street by Bobby Livingston. What he posted can be seen below.

Now you can see he makes it quite clear that it is Bobby who attacked him. So imagine our (not so) surprised reaction when earlier today, Pattison posted this on Minds.

He states he 'also doesn't know' Bobby Livingston. His lies are becoming more obvious. He obviously thinks he can get away with it on Minds, but we are everywhere. Horror Socials Media doesn't rest. We are real life superheroes righting wrongs and outing lies, and Pattison is our Arch-enemy, the King(pin) of Splatterpants to our Bulshit Man (our ability is to point out and show everyone how much of a liar William Pattison is).

Also worth mentioning is his blatant misogyny ,calling a woman he doesn't know a 'Bitch'. Well done William. Showing your true colors again.

Something else that was rather funny happened too, and shows William still has absolutely no idea who we are. This will make you shake your heads (as it did us) as William names people on Facebook who he believes are Trolling him, only to name entirely different people on Minds. This shows William knows he has been beat on Facebook, and is attempting to claw back some kind of fame on Minds (which isn't going to happen, because we are more than happy to post our findings there too). Here are the two seperate posts he made. Make sure you aren't drinking or eating, because it is so hilarious that your drink or a pickle might hit the wrong spot and you might choke.

....and here is the post he made on Facebook.

Bless him, he can't even spell 'Bobby' correctly twice in a row. Let us not forget he is a seven time published author (AND PLAGIARIST).

I would like to invite everyone on Minds who has come across William 'Cretin' Pattison's profile to read through all we have revealed about him here. There are no lies to be found, just truth that reveals Mr Meatball (Who can't fit his head in a GUY FAWKES (not Guy Rolfe) mask) is sad, lonely and leads an empty life. One so empty that he has to make up lies to make it seem so much more interesting.

Please also check out Horror Socials Media on Youtube, where more of William Pattison's lies are revealed and discounted. We work tirelessly so you don't have to waste your time listening to douchebags who think they are something special when they can't even form a simple sentence or write a cohesive paragraph without including a single lie.

We are the protectors of truth, justice and the American way (which doesn't involve lying).

So, keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subways! Mine's a footlong!!

Sunday 23 April 2017

We are still here.

Hello Howlers! Yes, we Horror Socials are still around, and still taking William Pattison (he seems to have dropped the 'aka Eric Morse/Morris from his name) to task about all the lies he tells and the constant mistakes he seems to make when talking about the genre he professes to love so much, which is horror.

April began with a bang, as the leader of The Horror Socials, Billy Jack, managed to convince William he was going to be getting free press passes to a convention, which saw William promote said convention on his page and even give out the telephone number for Victor Miller. We had such a laugh at his desperate messages, the way he pleads and makes himself out to be hard done by. He even bought up the same old bullshit stories when asked about the reason he was banned from Twisted Terror con. It was the perfect April Fools joke, and Willy Wale fell for it hook, line and stinker!!!

He also made a few new Coffee vlogs, has moved his radio show onto Youtube (because Blogtalk now charges. You'd think that with his radio show being so 'popular', he'd be able to afford to put money into his show) and has attempted to become a Horror Host by showing public domain films on Youtube, which is filmed in his basement complete with damp stains on the wall, numerous shots of flies surrounding him and even Cockroaches crawling over the lens of his camera. It would be great if this was done to add a macabre atmosphere to his show, but it's how his room really is.

He has learned to keep his mouth shut as of late though, which is definitely a good thing. Yet again, we win by silencing the toxic bag of Subways-scented wind. He still hasn't admitted to his lies, but he hasn't bought up his outlandish claims either.

In other news, Horror Socials Media creator Eric Hyde revealed himself and has sent a couple of rebuttals to William, but William seems to pay no attention, choosing to slate Hyde in videos rather than chat online or even in a video call. The man just can't help himself. The anonymity of the net obviously makes William feel safe and secure in his rants and raves, yet he has no idea how to handle things when the tables are turned on him. He still fails to understand that parody is legal, and that these blogs do not promote lies of any kind, but do infact publish the truth, which is much more than William has ever done.

You see William, we aren't going away. Ignore us, blast us on your Coffee Vlogs, lie to your viewers and say you know who we are (remember your messages to Billy Jack/The convention organizer, when you told her that you knew who was leading the 'cyber bullies')?

The Horror Socials continue to grow, and will continue to do so while William Pattison continues to use the internet to lie, bully and slate anyone who he sees fit because he won't face any repercussions because this is the internet. Well we are here to change that. We won't let you bully and slate people anymore William. If it was constructive criticism you offered, we could understand, but misogyny, homophobia and calling people 'retards' just isn't right, and until you stop using such slurs and apologise, and come clean about your lies, we will take our rightful place on your shoulders, whispering in your ears so you can hear us everytime you make a video or write a post.

We are The Horror Socials. Our mission statement is to stop the cyberbullying and victimisation perpertrated by William Pattison. He may call us cyberbullies, but that is merely a diversionary tactic. He knows he cannot win. He knows he is beat.

Oh, and even funnier, William displayed his lack of knowledge on Facebook live by having the Guy Fawkes mask from Alan Moore's V for Vendetta in his hands, and calling it a Guy Rolfe mask. Oh how we laughed about that!! How can one confuse Guy Rolfe and Guy Fawked, especially when V for Vendetta is an incredibly popular graphic novel and a film to boot? Of course, William will put this down to, and I quote 'a slip of the tongue', but as I'm sure our readers know, is just a way for William to run and hide from his mistakes. Yes Ladies and Gentlemen, the man can't even own up to his mistakes. So I'm going to write a few here to show you the level of genius we are up against.

He says Kane Hodder is in several Friday the 13th films. Kane is only in four.

He calls The Gunslinger 'The Gunfighter'.

He thinks William Wales directed Frankenstein. It was James Whale.

He thinks The Asphyx was produced by 'Amegus Pictures'. He means Amicus Pictures, but still he is wrong, as it was produced by Glendale.

He called The Incredible Melting Man 'The Fantastic Melting Man'.

When corrected politely about this 'slips of the tongue', William simply blocks the person correcting him and then talks shit about them. It's hilarious that he doesn't have the balls to own up to his mistakes, but he'd rather block and play the 'Alpha male' by pretending he's being bullied. He's a joke!!

So, alrighty then. Anyways, y'know, it's errrrrr.......y'y'y'know ......time to end this blogpost. Keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subways. Mine's a footlong!!!!