Thursday, 25 August 2016

William is once more attempting to subvert attention away from his insanity. You can always find the TRUTH here.

So we all know how William has pretended how he was in a relationship with Kathleen Wilhoite. We all know how he imagined they shared KFC in the park on his birthday. We all know how he imagined how he helped her with her dialogue in Witchboard, adding the 'TTFN' to her lines.

We thought that was how far William Pattison aka Eric Morse's insanity stretched. Oh how wrong we were. William actually has a tattoo on his back with Kathleen's name and date of birth, as you can see below.

William thinks he is clever because he has disabled the ability to post pictures on his page. What he fails to realise is that only his friends will see those picture comments. On here, thousands upon thousands read these posts and are shown the real William Pattison aka Eric Morse.

Kathleen Wilhoite has been married for twenty years and has children with her husband. Yet he doesn't have a tattoo with Kathleen's name and d.o.b in it.

It's quite hilarious. We have been in contact with the San Mateo Journal, and they are quite interested in looking into William Pattison aka Eric Morse and the things he has written on his blog, his radio shows and on his facebook (of which we have screen caps of, so even if he chooses to remove more of his stuff, we already have it).

You took a step to make us stop William. You removed the videos and posts that named people who have nothing to do with us, but who you have bullied. Yet you seem to want to continue bragging and lying to your followers on Facebook? Well then, I guess the work of the Horror Socials Media isn't anywhere near done. While he may have control over what his followers see on Facebook, he has no power here.

So anyways, keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subways. Mine's a footlong!!!

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