Friday, 30 September 2016

Wow. The Wordpress blog where William Pattison aka Eric Morse was interviewed has been asking authors the same questions for over three years.

Yep. The title pretty much says it all. You may remember my last post, where I went through a directionless and general interview that William Pattison aka Eric Morse did. Well, imagine my surprise when I decide to look a little more into the website where the interview was published.

You can visit it yourself by clicking HERE , but it seems that the person has been asking exactly the same set of questions since May of 2013. Of course I am not about to put the lady down, as that is not my intention and I will certainly not stoop to the level of William Pattison aka Eric Morse, but the claims I made in my last post are obviously correct, as the same set of questions have been asked hundreds of times to different authors without even a slight change to the wording of the questions.

Yet again this is William trying to use whomever he can to get his name out there. He craves fame so much, but will never come to the realization that he is an untalented hack, bully and laughing stock (not gravy William, stock) of not only the horror community, but also in the community of authors.

Again I am not making this up, and a quick click on the link and a look through the webpage will confirm exactly what I am saying.

Caught out again William Patttison aka Eric Morse. Frustrated? I am sure you are. Everything you try seems to blow up in your face. Your voice on the internet has practically been silenced. Everyone is shaking their heads at you and your cyber-bullying and stalking, and the fact you are a 50-something man-baby trying to play the victim while blocking people and then talking shit about them.

I promise you this William Pattison aka Eric Morse. We won't stop. You can attempt to put a front across that makes people believe we aren't bothering you, but your behaviour speaks volumes. You blocking words and profanity on your Facebook pages, your continuous removal of comments,which then make your replies look like the rambling of a food-obsessed fat man who shits himself when he sees a shadow of a man in a hat. Hold on, that's what you are. Well done for reinforcing the truth that we put out.

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