Thursday 5 May 2016

Nikki tears her world apart while we tear William's lies apart/psychological evaluation of William Pattison.

Yet again, it has come to our intention that William Pattison aka Eric Morse is full of male cow feces.

I'm not sure how many of you know about this, but William 'directed' (his own claim) a music video for Count Six String called 'Nikki Tears her World Apart'. In a conversation with someone, he claims that Kathleen Wilhoite sent him B-reel footage from the film 'Color of Night'.

Amazingly, the shots William Pattison uses for the music video are not B-reel footage at all, but are actually taken from the beginning of the film (the first seven minutes or so to be exact).

All Pattison has done is edit out the credits by enlarging the picture, while concentrating on the scenes that feature Kathleen Wilhoite.

Here are some pictures of the timings so you can see for yourself where he used the clips from the film 'Color of Night'.

As well as the picture at the top of this post, this is a screen capture of one of the scenes William Pattison aka Eric Morse uses for his music video he directed, which he claims is b-reel footage.

If you don't wish to accept the validity of the claims here, feel free to do your own comparison. I will link the video below.

 Click HERE to view the music video 'Nikki Tears her World Apart'. You can see in the videos description that William Pattison claims he directed the video.

Uploaded on 2 Feb 2011
This is the music video for the single by Count6String
Lyrics by William Pattison and Wayne Goulden
Video directed by William Pattison

So there you have it. More validity to the claims that William Pattison aka Eric Morse is full of crap. His imagined relationship with Kathleen Wilhoite reeks of Erotomania, which is a delusion where a person (usually a woman) believes that another person of higher social stature is in love with them. Before you ask me where my qualifications are William, if you do have a degree in psychology, it does not mean you can diagnose mental problems. Psychology focuses on behaviour and why we do the things we do (amongst other things, but I will keep the definition broad so as not to scare him away). I feel you have psychiarty and psychology somewhat confused, so I hope this little explanation helps you out somewhat.

As my studies are in psychology (yes William, you read that right) I can safely presume that while William Pattison does display an issue of Erotomania, he also displays something called Narcissistic Personality Disorder. A personality disorder is a pattern of abnormal or deviant behaviour that the person doesn't change (his obsession with the Soska's) even though it causes emotional upsets with people at work and in personal relationships. It is not limited (which means the following isn't the only cause, hence why psychology comes into play) to episodes of mental illness and it is not caused by drug and alcohol abuse, head injury or illness (DSM-IV).

All personality disorders show up in deviations from cognition, affectivity, interpersonal functions and impulsivity.

There is evidence to suggest that Narcissism is caused by early affective deprivation (William wasn't shown affection as a child, which explains a lot). Narcissists self-reports are unreliable (the reviews William gives his own work, the lies he tells about his life) because lying is the most common complaint about narcissists. Defects of empathy (how William empathizes with other individuals) lead narcissists to wildly inaccurate misinterpretations of other people's speech and actions (everyone who disagrees with William is a troll or hater).

Some other key points of NPD are: Exaggerated sense of self importance (for example lying about achievements, talents and expects to be recognized as superior without commensurate achievements.

A preoccupation of fantasies of unlimited success (his books), power (the protector of horror), brilliance (his numerous non-achievements in different medias), beauty or ideal love(Kathleen Wilhoite).

Believes he is 'special' and can only be understood by, or should associate with, other high status people or institutuions (his rallying against the horror socials/those who drink and socialise at conventions etc).

Requires excessive admiration (his crying out for fans to help him enter conventions, the Friday the 13th books etc).

Has a sense of self-entitlement (the young adult Friday the 13th books giving him entry into the franchise that HE feels entitiled to).

Selfishly takes advantage of others to achieve his own ends (throwing his friends under the bus so the heat is taken off him, blaming others for his rantings).

Lacks empathy (putting down Jews with racist comments, hoping women get roofied and raped).

Is often envious of others or believes others are envious of him (The Soska's, Jessica Cameron, Women in Horror, the list goes on).

Shows arrogant, patronizing or contemptuous behaviours or attitudes (his contemptuous attitude towards women in horror, anyone who doesn't agree with him etc).

So Howlers, keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subways! Mine's a footlong!

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