Friday 8 April 2016

Let's stop William Pattison bullying people!

Oh the hypocrisy! I would be quite angry if I didn't laugh so much as the mountain of semi-digested sandwiches who excretes white gravy from every pore trying to get people behind him to stop cyber bullying and stalking in the horror community.

Let me first transcribe what he wrote.

'So, you say you're not a troll or cyber bully or stalker?
Do you attack people's profiles, Facebook pages or Youtube videos?
Do you create 'Parody pages' to insult, libel and lie about people?
Do you crank phone-call and send harassing text messages to people's phones?
Do you create fake profilesand impersonate people like cowards to do the above?
Well, your actions speak louder than your denials.
You are a troll, cyber bully and a stalker. But we in the horror community have a more simple word for you. That word is LOSER.
The horror community is trying to grow up and it is immature jackasses like you that keep trying to bring us down. The horror community is tired and disgusted with you and your actions. You are the type of people who made this community the laughing stock of all entertainment communities. You are the problem that keeps us down.
If the people who are reading this believe the same then please share this banner and make it clear that we will not take this crap anymore. We don't have to take this we can end it all.
Too much blood, genius and lives have been taken by these assholes.

I dislike having to type things out for all to see, but the man obviously is not self-aware in the slightest, and somehow thinks it is fine for him to stalk, harass and accuse people of being bullies etc, but he is somehow above all of this. I am here to tell you William that you are not. Let me re-write what you wrote above so you might understand a little better.

So, you say you're not a troll or a cyber bully or a stalker, yet you constantly pull down Jen and Sylvia Soska, name people on your vlog who you believe are harassing you and do not post apologies to them when you find out differently, try to bully your way into conventions, make yourself out to be hard-done by and not only part of the horror community but the voice of it too? You pretended Kathleen Wilhoite was your girlfriend, and when people found out she wasn't, you created a fake profile under the name Zarabeth MacGee to talk to yourself.

We do not libel you with the parody pages. You call yourself a public figure, what with being a writer, actor, filmmaker, poet, artist (and bullshitter extraordinaire) and if you are a public figure, then parodies are perfectly legal, hence how shows like Saturday Night Live and films like The Interview are made. 

Do you attack people's profiles? Yes you do. You are constantly on The Soska's back, and even went as far as calling their remake of Rabid (which by the way, it would have been quite impossible for you to see at the cinema AT TWELVE YEARS OF AGE) a piece of shit. You've never even mentioned Cronenberg before, yet all of a sudden you are a huge fan? More lies from the Splatterpants of Fan Fiction.

Do you crank phone call people? Why yes you do!! You gave the numbers of people who phoned into your show and had Count Six-String's wife call them and pretend to Brittany Lynn Thompson and threaten them. I won't even get started about you masturbating whilst talking to another female on the phone.

Do you create fake profiles (Horror Bob, Gerald Fitzgerald (whose profile pictures were headshots of Robbie Coltrane), Brittany Lynn Thompson, Jeanette Thompson to name a few) and impersonate people? You do, don't you Eric Morris (who is Johnny Depp's acting coach, and the sole reason why William Pattison aka ERIC MORSE mispronounces his name. He somehow thinks people are going to believe that Johnny Depp thanked him because he was a big influence on his career (even though Depp started acting much before William started writing). Well, the evidence speaks louder than your denials William Pattison.

You are exactly what you accuse everyone else of being. You are a hypocrite of the highest order. You say if the things are true, how can they be libellous. Well, the only thing you've ever wrote to do with Star Trek is fan fiction. You had some books that had very little to do with Friday the 13th published under a different name, yet you think because of these, you should be held in high regard? Fuck you (to quote your so oft-used putdown). I don't see any other writer of spin-off novels attempting to throw their toys out of their windows and stamping their feet because they 'aren't getting the recognition they deserve'. Recognition is not demanded. It is given to those who deserve it. You behaving like a fifty plus (that's age, not tonnes) man-child makes it even more difficult to support you in any way. 

Now onto something more positive. I put forward that for the rest of April, we all show William how to be a better person by supporting the things he likes rather than promoting misplaced anger and hatred all of the time. He needs to be made aware of how his behaviour is exactly the kind of thing he is attempting to rally against, and it makes him look like an even bigger hypocrite.

Send him an Email to and explain to him how he can be a better person, how he can stop stalking and hating everything and still get on with his life. Lets join together for the greater good and stop William Pattison from continually making himself look like an ass. It might be entertaining for a while, but eventually it gets old and boring saying the same old thing over and over and over and over and over again (Soskas). Blah blah blah.

May is going to be Burn an Eric Morse book month. Send your photos of Eric Morse books being used as kindling, or just being set on fire to the Facebook parody page William Morse aka Eric Patterson so we can post them for all to see (including William himself, who regularly visits both the parody page and this blog).

My first few words in this blog may have been somewhat-offensive, but I'd rather make light of the individual than put him down. Once you start eating the same sandwich again and again, things start to get bland, don't they William?

So remember Howlies, keep America strong, drink your gravy and eat your Subway's. Mine's a footlong!!

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