Monday 11 April 2016

Who made William Pattison 'God'? (Because he read 'King' and thought it said God because he's virtually illiterate).

William now believes himself to be some kind of deity, pushing his self-importance on the helpless and the uneducated, acting as a saviour of the horror community and just generally being a total cunt but not taking any responsibility for any of his despicable actions. As always, I will re-write the post that Pattison made here, so everyone who isn't color blind or doesn't have 'sight problems' (which are a major factor in those who chronically masturbate) can read it without the hideous black on red that Pattison seems to favour so much (possibly because it reminds him of his birth, or 'the only time William touched a vagina').

'A friend of mine informed me that a certain asshole asked the question Who made William Pattison God' (it was actually 'King', but we know Pattison's memory is somewhat faulty at the best of times)? This in regard to my new campaign of anti-cyber bullying and stalking banners. Well here is my answer, asshole,.......I did. You see, like all other authors, I became God when I made the choice to start writing fiction (Journalists who work for newspapers deal in fiction. Are they Gods? How about children who use their imagination to play games? Gods too?). Fiction writers are gods because they create worlds and everything that exists in them (based on the world we already know, either in comparison or similarity. These things are already defined, only to be tweaked and twisted by those with the gift of storytelling, which is something that is vacant in our lord and saviour, he of the High and Mighty Subway, the Meatball at the right hand of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, William 'Take this Marinara, for it is my blood, take this sub, for it is my body, happy are those who come to my supper' Pattison aka Eric Morse). Filmmakers can't make that claim because they need crews and actors to do what we do with either a pen and paper, a type writer or word processor. So, asshole (my, he is obsessed with assholes. I mean, I know he is obviously attempting to come across as macho, but the way he keeps referring to the rectum shows just how much difficulty he is having in hiding his homosexual tendencies), there is my answer and you can kiss my ass (I am sure this is a request, and something William really does truly want. Nevertheless, I will not be taking him up on the offer. Not until he has the courage to be himself and crawl through the snow and out of Narnia, and out of the closet which he seems so content to hide in).

With all the talk of rectums, sphincters and such, all you single men out there can see how much fun Patticakes will be. I'm sure he would pay particular attention to the ass, as he says it so much, it becomes less of an insult and more a description of what he really wants.

Now, in regards to William Being a God. I have to disagree with this. Using your imagination does not make you a God. If it does, then every man and woman is a God, simply because we imagine sexual encounters when we masturbate. Every child is a God because they play and create their own stories all of the time. So quite simply, every single man, woman and child out there are Gods, not just our saviour and the keeper of the esscence of Dead Racoon, William Pattison.

So, anyways, keep America strong, watch horror films, drink your gravy and eat your Subways. Mine's a footlong!!

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